Annual Car Show Is Good Time For Good Cause
Aug 04, 2015 10:25AM ● By Bryan Scott
Car Show
By Aimee L. Cook
South Valley - For the past nine years, always following the Friday after Father’s Day, Ren Field and his family have lined their neighborhood street with cars. From a 1909 Model T Ford to a 2014 Challenger, you never know what’s going to show up on the street.
“We do this because it’s fun, and because we can,” Field said. “It’s a family affair which makes it even more fun. One of my brothers cooks the food, another brother judges the cars. My wife and son help set up, take down and whatever else is needed. It’s a good time.”
Field charges a $10 entry fee to those who want to have their car judged. With that you receive two meal tickets. Drawing tickets are $1 each and this year they received more than $4,000 in donations for the drawings.
“This year we had some great prizes to give away. Home Depot gave us a tabletop barbeque, and Firestone gave us 25 free oil changes, ” Field said. “We could not get over how generous all of the vendors were.”
Local grocery stores Harmon’s and Peterson’s Fresh Market helped out with various food donations, but Field buys 400 hamburgers and 300 hotdogs and all the condiments himself. It’s a labor of love for him and his family, and well worth it. Each year they donate $1,500 to the American Diabetes Association from the proceeds of the car show. In addition, they spend more than 1,000 volunteer hours on the event, which made a great Eagle Scout project for Field’s son, Sam.
“I kind of already have to do the car show and it’s a lot of work,” Sam said. ”But it’s a lot of fun and this year I got to play in the band. Everyone that attended helped me with my Eagle project without even knowing it. It was cool.”
ore than 1,000 people attended this year. From food to prizes to live music, Field and his family have proven that raising money for a cause can be fun.